
Blogging Break

I haven’t felt like writing or doing much of anything with all that has happened and will be happening in my life. After much consideration and prayer, I have decided to take a blogging break, especially regarding writing. This decision feels good. That doesn’t mean I will not post anything here and there. I have scheduled some posts of pictures and hope to continue sharing those as well life.

I will also continue sharing my Framers Friday submissions whenever I do submit. I’ve thought about skipping this week, but I am thinking about working on something this afternoon. I may not be doing this endeavor weekly like I have in the past. That will be difficult for me because 52Frames is why I pick up my camera weekly, if not more. If I skip, I may not pick up the camera often. We shall see.

I am not sure if and when I will return. I have a quick overnight road trip next week, a graduation ceremony to attend in late May, and a camping road trip in June. For trips like these, I need to conserve my energy.

I am also tending to my garden every morning. I think bearing any bad weather (or health crises), the pickling cucumbers will be successful this year, even with a planned camping trip in June. I’ve already harvested some basil, thyme, and oregano and dehydrated them. I will be harvesting more later this week.

I am slowly but surely making a Nosegay quilt. It feels good to get back into my room despite not feeling great. It is an expensive endeavor, even though I’ve planned to make this quilt for years. I collected many fabrics on extreme sale throughout the years but neglected to account for the background type fabrics. My husband has been supportive of my efforts and very encouraging. I think he is happy I’ve returned to crafting and sewing.

I need to manage my time. I am a spoonie. I have only so much energy to devote to certain things. As a result, this (blogging) will be on the back burner for some time. Thank you for listening.


2 thoughts on “Blogging Break

  1. We will be waiting for you when you return. You do so many creative things and do them so well, I’m not surprised that something has to give.

    I pray for a time of refreshment for you. Blessings to you.

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